Towards automatic generation of domain-specific mathematical input support
Eric Andrès, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring
Providing input when solving a mathematical problem in a technology-enhanced
learning system is often a challenging task for a learner. Input editors either
provide clickable palettes to construct terms, or require knowledge of some
linear syntax. To alleviate this problem, the learning environment ActiveMath
was extended with a new interface supporting learners with providing a stepwise
solution in the fraction domain. The interface allows learners to insert
intermediate steps using pre-defined templates such as "The least common
multiple of □ and □ is □",
where a blank can be filled in using a dedicated simple input field. Developing
similar interfaces for other mathematical domains is labor intensive and error
prone. In this article, we investigate how the Ideas domain reasoners can be
used to derive the necessary information for the automatic generation of such
templates, by making the structure of domain rules explicit using OpenMath
In MathUI, OpenMath, PLMMS and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 1010, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2013.