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Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, and Wendy Neijenhuis. Generation and Use of Hints and Feedback in a Hilbert-Style Axiomatic Proof Tutor. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2020.

Sietske Tacoma, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, and Paul Drijvers. Intelligent Feedback on Hypothesis Testing. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 30(4):616-636, 2020.

Sander Kamps, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. Assessing the Quality of Evolving Haskell Systems by Measuring Structural Inequality. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Haskell, Haskell 2020, pages 67-79, 2020. Association for Computing Machinery.

Mario Verhaeg, Lloyd Rutledge, and Bastiaan Heeren. SHACL-based Ontology Design Patterns for Evidence-based Decision-making. In 11th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, 2020. Springer.

Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. Automated feedback for mathematical learning environments. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching -- ICTMT 14: Essen, Germany, 17-25, 2020.


Renate van der Bent, Johan Jeuring, and Bastiaan Heeren. The diagnosing behaviour of intelligent tutoring systems. In Maren Scheffel, Julien Broisin, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Andri Ioannou, and Jan Schneider, editors, ECTEL 2019: Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 112-126, 2019. Springer.

Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. How teachers would help students to improve their code. In ITiCSE '19, pages 119-125, 2019. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Sietske Tacoma, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, and Paul Drijvers. Automated feedback on the structure of hypothesis tests. In Seiji Isotani, Eva Millán, Amy Ogan, Peter Hastings, Bruce McLaren, and Rose Luckin, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 281-285, 2019. Springer.

Sietske Tacoma, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, and Paul Drijvers. Automated feedback on the structure of hypothesis tests. In Uffe Thomas Jankvist, Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, and Michiel Veldhuis, editors, Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pages 2969-2976, 2019. Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME.

Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. A comparison of elaborated and restricted feedback in LogEx, a tool for teaching rewriting logical formulae. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(5):620-632, 2019.

Hieke Keuning, Johan Jeuring, and Bastiaan Heeren. A Systematic Literature Review of Automated Feedback Generation for Programming Exercises. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 19(1):1-43, 2019.


Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, Sergey Sosnovsky, Paul Drijvers, Peter Boon, Sietske Tacoma, Jesse Koops, Armin Weinberger, Brigitte Grugeon-Allys, Françoise Chenevotot-Quentin, Jorn van Wijk, and Ferdinand van Walree. Fine-grained Cognitive Assessment based on Free-form Input for Math Story Problems. In Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Henrik Drachsler, Raymond Elferink, and Maren Scheffel, editors, Proceedings of European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) 2018, pages 262-276, 2018. Springer International Publishing.


Hugo Arends, Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. An Intelligent Tutor to Learn the Evaluation of Microcontroller I/O Programming Expressions. In Proceedings of the 17th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling '17, pages 2-9, 2017. ACM.

Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. An Extensible Domain-Specific Language for Describing Problem-Solving Procedures. In Elisabeth André, Ryan Baker, Xiangen Hu, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, and Benedict du Boulay, editors, Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence in Education: 18th International Conference, AIED 2017, pages 77-89, 2017. Springer International Publishing.

Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. Code Quality Issues in Student Programs. In Proceedings of ITiCSE'17, pages 110-115, 2017. ACM.

Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. Generating Hints and Feedback for Hilbert-style Axiomatic Proofs. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '17, pages 387-392, 2017. ACM.

Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, and L. Thomas Binsbergen. Ask-Elle: an Adaptable Programming Tutor for Haskell Giving Automated Feedback. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 27(1):65-100, 2017.


Bastiaan Heeren, Josje Lodder and Johan Jeuring. A Domain Reasoner for Propositional Logic. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 22(8):1097-1122, 2016.

Hieke Keuning, Johan Jeuring, and Bastiaan Heeren. Towards a Systematic Review of Automated Feedback Generation for Programming Exercises. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE '16, pages 41-46, 2016. ACM.


Johan Jeuring, Frans Grosfeld, Bastiaan Heeren, Michiel Hulsbergen, Richta IJntema, Vincent Jonker, Nicole Mastenbroek, Maarten van der Smagt, Frank Wijmans, Majanne Wolters, and Henk van Zeijts. Communicate! - A Serious Game for Communication Skills. In Gráinne Conole, Tomaz Klobucar, Christoph Rensing, Johannes Konert, and Élise Lavoué, editors, Proceedings of Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World: 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2015, pages 513-517, 2015. Springer International Publishing.

Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. A pilot study of the use of LogEx, lessons learned. In M. Antonia Huertas, João Marcos, María Manzano, Sophie Pinchinat, and François Schwarzentruber, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Tools for Teaching Logic (TTL2015), 2015.


Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. Feedback services for stepwise exercises . Science of Computer Programming , 88:110-129, 2014. Software Development Concerns in the e-Learning Domain .

Tim Olmer, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. Evaluating Haskell expressions in a tutoring environment. In James Caldwell, Philip K. F. Hölzenspies, and Peter Achten, editors, Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education, TFPIE 2014, EPTCS, pages 50-66, 2014.

Johan Jeuring, L. Thomas van Binsbergen, Alex Gerdes, and Bastiaan Heeren. Model Solutions and Properties for Diagnosing Student Programs in Ask-Elle. In Proceedings of the Computer Science Education Research Conference, CSERC '14, pages 31-40, 2014. ACM.

Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. Strategy-based Feedback in a Programming Tutor. In Proceedings of the Computer Science Education Research Conference, CSERC '14, pages 43-54, 2014. ACM.


Eric Andrès, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. Towards automatic generation of domain-specific mathematical input support. In Christoph Lange, David Aspinall, Jacques Carette, James Davenport, Andrea Kohlhase, Michael Kohlhase, Paul Libbrecht, Pedro Quaresma, Florian Rabe, Petr Sojka, Iain Whiteside, and Wolfgang Windsteiger, editors, MathUI, OpenMath, PLMMS and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 1010, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2013.

Bastiaan Heeren. Traversals with Class. In Jurriaan Hage and Atze Dijkstra, editors, Een Lawine van Ontwortelde Bomen: Liber Amicorum voor Doaitse Swierstra, pages 62-75. 2013.


Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. Feedback genereren in leeromgevingen voor algebra (in Dutch). Nieuw archief voor wiskunde, 13(4):271-275, 2012.

Sylvia Stuurman, Marko van Eekelen, and Bastiaan Heeren. A New Method for Sustainable Development of Open Educational Resources. In Proceedings of Second Computer Science Education Research Conference, CSERC '12, pages 57-66, 2012. ACM.

Johan Jeuring, Alex Gerdes, and Bastiaan Heeren. Ask-Elle: A Haskell Tutor. In Andrew Ravenscroft, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Carlos Delgado Kloos, and Davinia Hernández-Leo, editors, 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills, volume 7563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 453-458. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. Teachers and Students in Charge. In Andrew Ravenscroft, Stefanie Lindstaedt, CarlosDelgado Kloos, and Davinia Hernández-Leo, editors, 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills, volume 7563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 383-388. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

Alex Gerdes, Johan Jeuring, and Bastiaan Heeren. An Interactive Functional Programming Tutor. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE '12, pages 250-255, 2012. ACM.

Johan Jeuring, Alex Gerdes, and Bastiaan Heeren. A Programming Tutor for Haskell. In Viktória Zsók, Zoltán Horváth, and Rinus Plasmeijer, editors, Central European Functional Programming School, volume 7241 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-45. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.


Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. Interleaving Strategies. In James H. Davenport, William M. Farmer, Josef Urban, and Florian Rabe, editors, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, volume 6824 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 196-211. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

Harrie Passier and Bastiaan Heeren. Modeling XML Content Explained. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Internet Applications and Research, 2011.

Josje Lodder and Bastiaan Heeren. A Teaching Tool for Proving Equivalences between Logical Formulae. In Patrick Blackburn, Hans van Ditmarsch, María Manzano, and Fernando Soler-Toscano, editors, Tools for Teaching Logic, volume 6680 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 154-161. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.


Bastiaan Heeren, Alex Gerdes and Johan Jeuring. Properties of Exercise Strategies. In Proceedings International Workshop on Strategies in Rewriting, Proving, and Programming, EPTCS, 2010.

Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. Adapting Mathematical Domain Reasoners. In Serge Autexier, Jacques Calmet, David Delahaye, Patrick D.F. Ion, Laurence Rideau, Renaud Rioboo, and Alan P. Sexton, editors, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, volume 6167 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 315-330. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

Thomas van Noort, Alexey Rodriguez yakushev, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, Bastiaan Heeren, and José pedro Magalhães. A Lightweight Approach to Datatype-generic Rewriting. J. Funct. Program., 20(3-4):375-413, 2010.

Alex Gerdes, Johan T. Jeuring, and Bastiaan J. Heeren. Using Strategies for Assessment of Programming Exercises. In Proceedings of the 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '10, pages 441-445, 2010. ACM.

Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, and Alex Gerdes. Specifying Rewrite Strategies for Interactive Exercises. Mathematics in Computer Science, 3(3):349-370, 2010.


Johan Jeuring and Bastiaan Heeren. An interactive exercise player for Math-Bridge. In Conference proceedings of Student Mobility and ICT: Dimensions of Transition, pages 213-217, 2009.

Johan Jeuring, José Pedro Magalhães, and Bastiaan Heeren. Generic Programming for Domain Reasoners. In Zoltán Horváth, Viktória Zsók, Peter Achten, and Pieter W. M. Koopman, editors, Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2009, pages 113-128, 2009. Intellect.

Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. Canonical Forms in Interactive Exercise Assistants. In Jacques Carette, Lucas Dixon, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, and Stephen M. Watt, editors, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, volume 5625 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 325-340. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring. Constructing Strategies for Programming. In José A. Moinhos Cordeiro, Boris Shishkov, Alexander Verbraeck, and Markus Helfert, editors, CSEDU 2009 - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 65-72, 2009. INSTICC Press.

Bastiaan Heeren and Sylvia Stuurman. Software architectuur in het afstandsonderwijs (in Dutch). 2009. Presented at NIOC 2009.

Jurriaan Hage and Bastiaan Heeren. Strategies for Solving Constraints in Type and Effect Systems. Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 236:163-183, 2009.


Thomas van Noort, Alexey Rodriguez, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, and Bastiaan Heeren. A Lightweight Approach to Datatype-generic Rewriting. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming, WGP '08, pages 13-24, 2008. ACM.

Gemma Corbalan, Bastiaan Heeren, Erik Jansen, Johan Jeuring, Jan Willem Knopper, Josje Lodder, Rick van der Meiden, Hans Cuypers and Wouter Pasman. Intelligente feedback in e-learning (in Dutch). Tinfon, (4):80-86, 2008.

Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, Alex Gerdes and Sylvia Stuurman. Feedback Services for Exercise Assistants. In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on e-Learning, pages 402-410, 2008.

Eelco Dolstra, Jurriaan Hage, Bastiaan Heeren, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring, Andres Löh, Clara Löh, Arie Middelkoop, Alexey Rodriguez, and John van Schie. Report on the Tenth ICFP Programming Contest. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP '08, pages 397-408, 2008. ACM.

Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. Recognizing Strategies. In Proceedings WRS 2008, Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming, 8th International Workshop, pages 31-46, 2008.

Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, Arthur van Leeuwen, and Alex Gerdes. Specifying Strategies for Exercises. In Serge Autexier, John Campbell, Julio Rubio, Volker Sorge, Masakazu Suzuki, and Freek Wiedijk, editors, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, volume 5144 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 430-445. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.


Jurriaan Hage and Bastiaan Heeren. Heuristics for Type Error Discovery and Recovery. In Zoltán Horváth, Viktória Zsók, and Andrew Butterfield, editors, Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, volume 4449 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 199-216. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.


Bastiaan J. Heeren. Top Quality Type Error Messages. PhD thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2005.

Bastiaan Heeren and Jurriaan Hage. Type Class Directives. In Manuel V. Hermenegildo and Daniel Cabeza, editors, Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, volume 3350 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 253-267. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.


Bastiaan Heeren and Daan Leijen. Gebruiksvriendelijke compiler voor het onderwijs (in Dutch). Informatie, 46(8):46-50, 2004.

Bastiaan Heeren and Daan Leijen. Functioneel Programmeren met Helium (in Dutch). 2004. Presented at NIOC 2004.


Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage, and S. Doaitse Swierstra. Scripting the Type Inference Process. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP '03, pages 3-13, 2003. ACM.

Bastiaan Heeren, Daan Leijen, and Arjan van IJzendoorn. Helium, for Learning Haskell. In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell, Haskell '03, pages 62-71, 2003. ACM.

Bastiaan Heeren, Juriaan Hage, and S. Doaitse Swierstra. Constraint Based Type Inferencing in Helium. In Marius-Calin Silaghi and Markus Zanker, editors, Proceedings of the CP 2003 Workshop on Immediate Applications of Constraint Programming (ACP), pages 57-78, 2003.


Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage, and Doaitse Swierstra. Generalizing Hindley-Milner Type Inference Algorithms. Technical Report UU-CS-2002-031, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, 2002.

Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, Doaitse Swierstra, and Pablo Azero~Alcocer. Improving type-error messages in functional languages. Technical Report UU-CS-2002-009, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, 2002.


Bastiaan Heeren. Improving type-error messages in functional languages. Master's thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000.