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A New Method for Sustainable Development of Open Educational Resources

Sylvia Stuurman, Marko van Eekelen, and Bastiaan Heeren

Open Educational Resources (OER) seem to be a natural fit with a distance learning university: open resources are in line with the university's mission to provide access to academic education, most material is available in digital form, and even the name of distance learning universities often contains the word "open". However, in practice, it is difficult to realize sustainable OER, especially if no existing material may be used. We propose a new method to create sustainable OER based on new educational material, and compare this method with existing models for sustainable OER. The main characteristic of the method is that OER are produced as side-effect of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). As an example of this CPD method, we describe the development of a short OER course about the programming language Scala.

In Proceedings of Second Computer Science Education Research Conference, CSERC '12, pages 57-66, 2012.

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