I am currently involved with the following courses:
In addition to teaching courses, I also provide individual supervision.
Previously, I was involved with the following courses:
- 2016-2020: IC0710 - Inleiding objectgeoriënteerde analyse
en ontwerp met behulp van UML (part of CPP Java programmeur)
- 2016-2018: IB0006 Premaster Formele Technieken - Security & IT part
- 2015-2016: T06311 - Academische Competenties in de Bachelor (OU)
- 2007-2014: Introduction to IT Security (UL, co-teacher and course
- 2010-2014: Information Security Basics (UL, co-teacher)
- 2005-2006: Design Oriented Education 1.2 (TU/e, group tutor)
- 2004: Seminar Information Security Technology (TU/e,
co-teacher and course responsible)
Guest lectures
- 2020: Introduction to Network Security. In Network
Security (UL)
- 2014: Preserving Privacy in a Connected World. In IPA Spring
Days on Security (IPA Doctorate School)
- 2011: Introduction to Network Security. In Network
Security (UL)
- 2010,2012: Digital Rights Management in Principles of Security
Engineering (UL)
- 2010: Privacy, in Principles of Security Engineering (UL)
- 2010: Proving Security of Voting Systems, in Electronic
Voting (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
- 2007: Voting Protocols, in Verification of Security
Protocols (UL)