Open student projects


contact info

Dr. Ir. Hugo Jonker
Open Universiteit
Valkenburgerweg 177
6419 AT Heerlen
phone: +31 (0)45 576 2143
twitter: @hugojonker

For students with a background in security and/or formal methods, I am happy to supervise thesis projects on security and on privacy, under the broad theme "Security and Privacy in Modern Times". Concrete projects will align with my current research. For an idea of the type of subjects I am happy to supervise:

Projects can be tailored to MSc as well as BSc students. Other topics exist and can be discussed - contact me if you're interested.

Note. In general, I expect the thesis to be written in English, and to provide a solid basis for a (later to be written) publication. See also the page about my approach to supervision.

Project categories

In general, I'm interested in research that identifies the "bad guys", research that helps to identify security or privacy weaknesses (or the impact of such weaknesses), and research to mitigate security and privacy issues. More concretely, here is an incomplete list of project categories I'm happy to supervise. If you're looking for a project in one of these categories, do contact me.

Project ideas

This is a (partially outdated) list of project ideas. Contact me to discuss specific subjects of interest to you.

Current & finished projects

See the list of supervised students.