The CS department of the Open University is active in research on
various topics related to security and privacy. Below is a list of the
researchers active in these fields, a link to their homepage (when
available) and, for each, a list of the topics of his/her
- virtual security labs
- (usable) security of on-line banking
- botnet detection with deep-learning networks
- governance of botnet detection
- energy analysis of blockchain consensus algorithms
- resilience of distributed networks
- security of communication protocols for IoT
- IoT in smart cities
- browser and phone fingerprinting
- security protocol analysis
- fraud detection
- web vulnerability scanning
- privacy and verifiability of electronic voting and auctions
- web-privacy
- smartphone-related privacy
- context-driven privacy and security
- privacy-by-default and enforced privacy
Mina Alishahi
- privacy in distributed learning
- machine learning for attack detection
- cryptography
- privacy-preserving data analysis
- security & privacy in IoT and Smart Cities
- Mobile communication security
- privacy-preserving authorisation with IRMA
- Security
- Computer graphics
- Visualization
- Virtual reality
Clara Maathuis
- Detecting disinformation campaigns on social media
Stefano Schivo
- (cyber-)security
- security in IoT
- attack trees
- safety-security interplay
Ashish Sai
- distributed systems security analysis
- privacy and security analysis of mobile applications
- energy analysis of blockchain consensus algorithms
- static source code analysis
- architecture recovery